This award-winning Channel 4/Nova documentary, which I helped out with, was made 20 years ago. Nonetheless, it is still an excellent and informative watch, which really hammers home the colossal destructive power of a tsunami. The scary thing is, two decades on from this devastating event, which took nearly 240,000 lives, there is still no effective tsunami warning system operating in the Indian Ocean.
Scientists for Global Responsibility - 02 Feb 2024 - Duration 3 mins
Global, transformational action is needed over the next few years to prevent the climate crisis becoming much worse. Governments and large corporations should bear the largest responsibility for the world’s collective failure to implement sufficient measures to tackle the problem so far. A major sticking point, however, is resistance from mainly wealthier consumers to the lifestyle changes necessary to stay within the 1.5°C temperature goal enshrined in the Paris Agreement. Indeed, it is the consumption patterns of the richest 10% of the world’s inhabitants that lead to approximately half of all global greenhouse gas emissions. To meet this resistance, SGR has devised a set of 10 evidence-based lifestyle changes that are compatible with the 1.5°C goal by 2030. In this video, Charlie Gardner, Rupert Read, Vicki Hird and Bill McGuire introduce the campaign. Sign up to the targets that you are able to at the link below and share the campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Hay Festival - 30 May 2023 - Duration 45 mins
Our planet is in peril, and we can no longer dodge the arrival of disastrous, all-pervasive, climate breakdown that will come as a hammer blow to global society and economy. Bill McGuire, professor of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London, offers a post-COP26 perspective on the climate emergency, acknowledging that it is now practically impossible to keep this side of the 1.5°C dangerous climate change guardrail, and presenting a blunt but authentic picture of the sort of world our children will grow old in, and our grandchildren will grow up in. In conversation with Jane Davidson, Chair of Wales Net Zero 2035, Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and author of #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country.
Climate Science Translated - 19 Mar 2023 - Duration 5 mins
Comedian Kiri Pritchard-McLean helps Professor Bill McGuire spell out the actual risks of climate change, pulling zero punches, and using highly unscientific language throughout. The film is part of an ongoing project to help the climate science cut through to the public.
The Smart Cookies Podcast - 21 Nov 2022 - Duration 4 mins
We talk about the unknown dangers of Climate Breakdown, the Planet's Tipping Points, Denialism, COP27, Doomerism and a possible way out of the mess we've created
Global Governance Futures - 20 Jan 2022 - Duration 51 mins
Professor Bill McGuire joins us to discuss the latest climate science, geoengineering and why he embraces the label ‘alarmist’. Brace yourselves for a no holds barred account of the climate science, as Bill spells out why dangerous pervasive climate breakdown is now all but inevitable. This is not a counsel of despair though, but rather a call for a serious, sober reckoning with our predicament and what we can still do to mitigate the worst impacts. On the way, we also explore the widening chasm between the climate science and political action, the serious, fun and even therapeutic pleasures of writing speculative fiction, the strange absence of public education on the climate emergency, as well as the importance of speaking up in the face of climate denialism, including among friends and colleagues.
BBC Mega Tsunami Documentary - 9 Oct 2021 - Duration 6 mins
This BBC documentary examines the possibility of a La Palma mega tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption and landslide into the sea. A La Palma tsunami could be more devastating than the recent Boxing Day and Pacific Ocean tsunamis that devastated the Indian Ocean and east coast of Japan.
ScientistsWarning - 21 Dec 2020 - Duration 36 mins
Dr. Alison Green talks to Professor Bill McGuire about the need for scientists to speak up about the climate and ecological crisis, about geoengineering - what it is and why we should care - and his new novel, 'Skyseed', a terrifying yet realistic tale of geoengineering gone wrong.
The SGR Responsible Science Conference - 16 Nov 2019
Scientists behaving responsibly: should science walk the talk on climate breakdown?
Lecture - The Geological Society - London - 7 Dec 2016 - Duration 49 mins
How a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes.